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I Died, Came Back & Was Ok With It, My DMT Trip Explained In Video By Anthony

In our modern society we've learned to fear psychedelics. But psychedelics should not be feared; they should be embraced and studied. DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) is one of the most powerful psychedelic drugs with the ability to provide insight into deep subjects that the average person is afraid to face. In the video and article we will explore the benefits of DMT.

DMT is a psychedelic compound, a drug that causes hallucinations that can be described as "near death experiences". It's often said to be the "spirit molecule" because it is able to cross the barrier between life and death, and is often used as a tool by shamans and other spiritual practitioners.

History of DMT

DMT has a long history dating back thousands of years. Indigenous cultures have often used it as part of religious rituals. For example, there is evidence of its use in Trinidad at the time of Spanish colonists’ arrival. The drug is the active ingredient in ayahuasca, a traditional South American brewed tea.

DMT is a Schedule I substance in the United States. DMT is a naturally occurring compound found in humans and some animals. DMT can also be found in plants such as Acacia spp, Mimosa tenuiflora, and Psychotria viridis. DMT was first isolated in 1931 by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann who synthesized it in the lab. DMT is also known as N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, Dimethyltryptamine, and N,N-DMT. DMT is a white or off-white crystal or powder that is soluble in water or alcohol.

DMT is a psychedelic compound

that is found in many plants, animals, and humans. DMT is a naturally occurring substance that is in the tryptamine family. It is one of the most powerful naturally occurring psychedelic substances found in the human body. DMT is typically found in the brain, but it can also be found in the lungs, blood, and urine. The most common method of consuming DMT is through smoking in a pipe, but it can also be vaporized, injected, or chewed. DMT is typically not found in plants, but it can be found in a few plants. Some of these plants include: ayahuasca, which is found in the Amazon rain forest, and the seeds of the mint plant.

DMT is an endogenous

neurotransmitter that is found in the human brain, specifically in the pineal gland. The drug is extracted from the plant Salvia divinorum, which is also known as the 'Diviner's Sage'. DMT is a drug that is used as a recreational drug for its psychedelic properties. DMT is a psychedelic drug that is similar to LSD, psilocybin, and ayahuasca. DMT is known to be a psychedelic hallucinogen that induces a state of consciousness that varies from person to person. It is not a drug that causes physical addiction, but it is a drug that can be habit-forming. The drug acts by binding to the 5-HT2A serotonin receptors in the brain, which is also the main binding site for LSD.

Let the record State

I am by no means promoting or insinuating anybody partake in the use of any illicit drugs or mind altering narcotics in the negative way, this is a reoccurring Topic in conversation that's making the rounds that I would like to chime in on and shine light for the curious, I'm a grown mature adult constantly in search for knowledge, an alternative lifestyle, well-being and good Juju.

This is an audio video that I have executed that highlights my personal experience from a time when I had recreationally ingested DMT for self medication and curiosity.

If you have been trying alternative medicinal approaches to the new wave of psychedelics and are curious or interested in the power and potential of DMT this is my two cents.

Anthony Donnelly

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